Children's Oasis International
"Enabling Today's Youth to be Tomorrow's Leaders"

It pleases me to announce the Whitely family has partnered with Children's Oasis International to distribute the Whitely North East St. Elizabeth Scholarship. The Children's Oasis International's mission is "enabling today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders" and this scholarship will assist to ensuring that their goals are accomplished. We understand that sometimes, financial hardships can prevent students from continuing higher learning on the next level and hope to help relieve some of this financial burden with the Whitely North East St. Elizabeth Scholarship.
In order to receive the Scholarship, the students must meet the following requirements:
* Jamaican Citizenship
* Lives in North East St. Elizabeth
* Completed scholarship application
* 2nd, 3rd or 4th year in a Jamaican University or College or entering High School
* Resume
1 letter of recommendation (Must be from a teacher that has taught the student within the last 2 years.)
Last semester report
* Must show leadership qualities
* Must be present at the award ceremony on August 23, 2016 at Thornton NTCOG and Siloah NTCOG
* 1 page (typed) essay on the following topic: “Why do I deserve this scholarship"
All entries must be received no later than August 10, 2016. There will be 4 winner selected by the Children's Oasis International's Scholarship review board: 1st and 2nd place High School student and 1st and 2nd place College student
1st place - high school student $15,000 JA 1st place - college student $25,000 JA
2nd place - high school student $10,000 JA 2nd place - college student $20,000 JA
We hope that the Whitely North East St. Elizabeth Scholarship will help to enable today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. Please visit childrensoasisinternational.com to download application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Rev. Dwight Whitely at 876-428-3402
Dwight Whitely,
President (Jm)
Click link above
The Purpose of the Dr Shirley Eugene Scholarship is to assist each scholarship recipient with the opportunity to obtain a college education, to help each recipient obtain a practical understanding of important life skills that may not be taught as a part of the school curriculum, and to encourage a "giving back" mentality.
The preferred recipient of a Dr. Shirley Eugene Scholarship will be a high achieving and self motivated student of African decent who aspires to obtain a college education in order to realize his or her full potential.

Click link above
Tina Gilmore- Bythwood Scholarship
You don’t have to go to a four-year university in order to continue your education and be successful. In fact, there are several vocational and career colleges who prepare students for specific industries. Whether it’s: health care, business, culinary, automotive, cosmetology, criminal justice, technology, or art and design, there are many trade options. With that said, Children's Oasis International (COI) is humbled to expand the vision of "enabling today's youth become tomorrow's leaders" by announcing the Tina Gilmore-Blythwood Scholarship.
The requirements are:
• Minority/Multi Ethnic
• 3.0 GPA (copy of transcript)
• 2 or 4 year accredited college OR Vocational Career College
• 1 page or 1,000 (or less) word essay Topic: "why do I deserve a scholarship"
• typed
Please visit us @ http://www.childrensoasisinternational.com or email information to childrensoasisinternational@gmail.com
• Deadline is April, 30 2017
$1,500- 1st place
$1,000 - 2nd place
$500 - 3rd place
*** Winners of this ONE TIME Tina Gilmore- Bythwood Scholarship will be announced at the Children's Oasis Banquet, Saturday, 3rd June, 2017 from 12:00pm- 4:00pm, held at BenVento Restaurant which is located at 1730 N Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach FL 33435. (Please take a virtual tour of facility and directions at http://benvenutorestaurant.com/)
*** Checks will be given upon receipt of college registration confirmation and pledge to finding ways to "give back" in the spirit of the Children's Oasis mission, "Enabling today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders."
(All college acceptance letter MUST be provided by July 30, 2017. Any winner that does NOT provide college acceptance letter by July 30, 2017, the scholarship will be immediately awarded to another finalist)
***Finalist AND guardian MUST be present to win. (Finalist's dinner will be free, parents tickets will be $60.00 purchases in advance, $65.00ea. when purchased at event)