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Children's Oasis International

"Enabling Today's Youth to be Tomorrow's Leaders"


While vacationing in Jamaica in 2008, Bethan Whitely observed a young boy erasing a composition folder. She asked what he was doing and he replied "erasing this year's work to reuse it next year." After seeing the need of this young man and others in the community, Bethan and Rae embraced another opportunity to serve.

Conversation began on how they could be affective instead of just giving away free money. It would require them to get development plans and approaches that would be productive. They knew Sometimes it would require some short term sacrifices. They had to answer some HARD questions.  In the vision to "enable today youth be tomorrow's leaders" would they be able to

* Take an idea from bringing composition folders to children in need, to developing long term goals and stradegies?
* Were they willing to make the financial sacrifices
* Were they helping student succeed?

If the answers were no then they wouldn't make the sacrifices. If the answers were yes, they would go "all in."

The mission to enable today's youth to become tomorrow's leaders would include:

* Providing supplies for back to school events,
* Providing early learning and higher learning scholarships,
* Providing snacks for aftercare programs
* Sponsoring Christmas toy drives for underprivileged youth
* Providing medical supplies and linen for hospital children's ward in hospitals that were struggling (Jamaica, Haiti)
* Partnering with other organizations to bring awareness to abused and neglected youth
* Partnering with established organizations to mentor at-risk youth. In 2009, With the help of God, family, friends and community Children's Oasis was Launched.

They are thankful to God for allowing them to be a blessing to 15,000 youths and counting. They are thankful to everyone who helped get this far and for future support with the 21st Century Initiative. The aim is to continue sharing the vision, scaling out these initiatives internationally to "enable  today's youth become tomorrow's leaders."


St Elizabrth, JA

Westmorland, JA

St. Anns, JA



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